A three year analysis of lung cancer cases

MEHMET ÜNLÜ, Ünal Şahin, Ahmet Akkaya, Erhan Turgut

  • Yıl : 1998
  • Cilt : 14
  • Sayı : 3
  •  Sayfa : 101-105
We analyzed the different parameters of the 95 cases with pulmonary carcinoma hospitalized in Chest De-partment of Süleyman Demirel University Medical Faculty rn June1995- July1998 years and we made a general evaluatiorı of the cases. Squamous cell carcinoma was present in 33.7%, adenocarcinoma in 25.3%, small carcinoma in 13.7%, large cell carcinoma in 2.1% and metastatic carcinoma in 8.4%. 16.9% of patients had na histapathologic diagnoses. Of these patients, 9.46% was in stage I, 13.51% was in stage Il, 18.92% was in stage II1A, 2702% was in stage I/IB and 31.08% was in stage IV. 81.05% of patients were smokers, when amount was considered, it was 50.70 packlyear for small cell carcinoma, 44.75 packlyear for metastatic lung cancer, 43.75 packlyear for squamous celf carcinoma and 38.00 packlyear for adenocarcinoma. When clinical findings were considered, cough (68.4%) and weight loss (63.4%) were seen most in patients. While central localization was seen 76.9% in small cell carcinoma, 62.5% in squamous cell carcirıoma; peripheric localization (71.0%) was seen mostly in adenocarcinoma. Parancimal infiltration was detected most often in squamous cell carcinorrıa (72%), soliter nodule in metastatic lung carcinoma (63%), neoplastic cavity in large cell carcinoma (50%), pleural effusion iri adenocarcinoma (46%) and mediastinal enlargement in small cell carcinoma (54%). Histopathologic diagnoses were detected by means of bronchoscopic biopsy and lavage (51.89%), sputum cytology (17.73%), pleural punc-Non and biopsy (17.73%) and transthoracal fine needle biopsy (12.65%).
Atıf yapmak için :
Açıklama : Yazarların hiçbiri, bu makalede bahsedilen herhangi bir ürün, aygıt veya ilaç ile ilgili maddi çıkar ilişkisine sahip değildir. Araştırma, herhangi bir dış organizasyon tarafından desteklenmedi.Yazarlar çalışmanın birincil verilerine tam erişim izni vermek ve derginin talep ettiği takdirde verileri incelemesine izin vermeyi kabul etmektedirler.
A three year analysis of lung cancer cases
, Vol. 14 (3)
Geliş Tarihi : 10.10.1998, Kabul Tarihi : 10.10.1998, Yayın Tarihi : 10.10.2020
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