A Case of Cutaneous Vasculitis

ŞÜKRÜ BALEVİ, Hüseyin Tol, Hüseyin Endoğru, Müfide Bozkürk

  • Year : 1992
  • Vol : 8
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 459-462
Leukorywclastic vasculiiis is the most common form of small vessel nerrotizing vasculifis. The di-sease may be limited to the skin or involve many dif-ferent organs, in which rase it is called cutaneous systemir angütis. Histologirally there is fibrinoid necrosis of small dermal blood vessels (venules), le-ukocytoclasis, endothelial rell swelling, and ext-ravasation of RBCs.
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A Case of Cutaneous Vasculitis
, Vol. 8 (3)
Received : 24.10.1992, Accepted : 24.10.1992, Published Online : 24.10.2020
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