A case of parathyroid adenoma in an ectopic location

SERDAR UĞRAŞ, Metin Aydın, Osman Güler, Halil Arslan, İbrahim Barut

  • Year : 1997
  • Vol : 13
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 159-161
A case of ectopically located parathyroid ade-noma was reported. It was stated that, in the cases of primer hyperparathyroidism who have no pat-hological findings at the normal anatomical lo-cation; the parathyroid glands nıaş be in an ectopic location and that anatomical variation may cause diagnostic delay and techni•al difficulties during surgical procedure.
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A case of parathyroid adenoma in an ectopic location
, Vol. 13 (2)
Received : 13.10.1997, Accepted : 13.10.1997, Published Online : 13.10.2020
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