A Case Who Has Smell- Color Synesthesia


  • Year : 2019
  • Vol : 35
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 55-57

\n Synesthesia is a phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory system leads to a different experience in a second sensory system. There is more than sixty types of Synesthesia, like grapheme-color, sound-color (chromesthesia), sound-movement, sound-flavor, color- flavor etc. have been identified so far. Synesthesia is seen in 4% in general population. The grapheme-color and sound-color Synesthesia are the most common types. A case is discussed that has auditory-visual and smell-color types Synesthesia started at 6 yo but currently she has had fewer symptoms than before. An active psychiatric pathology is not found in clinical evaluation.  There is neither significant patient history nor family history for psychiatric disorders other than a younger sister who has similar symptoms. She has not experienced any seizures or trauma. Her MRI and EEG were within normal limits. Functional MR imaging showed greater activation in the cerebral hemisphere that indicate lateralization. Since there is a positive familial history, we might consider genetic predispositions.

Cite this Article As : Erden S, Ozer H. A Case Who Has Smell - Color Synesthesia. Selcuk Med J 2019;35(1): 55-57
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
A Case Who Has Smell- Color Synesthesia
, Vol. 35 (1)
Received : 30.12.2016, Accepted : 30.12.2016, Published Online : 04.03.2019
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