A Lung Tuberculosis After Renal Transplantation


  • Year : 2005
  • Vol : 21
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 92-96
Tuberculosis (TBC) is an infection that rarely seen in the first year of maximum immunosuppression. Beacuase of its rarity we aimed to present a case of TBC that developed after renal transplantation in our newly established transplantation unit. A live donor renal transplantation was performed on a 45 years old man who was complaining of chronic renal failure for four years and on hemodialysis for two years. There was no signs of TBC in the physical examination, preoperative laboratory investigation and past medical history of the patient. Prednisolone, MMF, FK-506 combination and in the 1st and 4th day Basiliximab were performed as immunosuppressive protocol. In 1 st postoperative month, there was a cavernous lesion in the left upper zone on chest x-ray. Antituberculosis treatment was started according to a positive sputum culture for TBC bacili. After twelve months of antituberculosis treatment there was a clinical and laboratory improvement and the treatment was ceased accordingly. Because of its frequent past history in our country, TBC is aserious disease that should be kept in mind and dealt with carefully in patients undergoing renal transplantation.
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A Lung Tuberculosis After Renal Transplantation
, Vol. 21 (3)
Received : 05.01.2005, Accepted : 05.01.2005, Published Online : 30.09.2020
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