Adaptation Of The Severed Ear With Temporoparietal Fascia Flap In A Partial Ear Amputation


  • Year : 2009
  • Vol : 25
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 158-161
Nonmicrovascular replantation of an avulsed auricula as a composite graft is an unreliable solution. The use of retroauricular pocket to enhance survival of the composite ear graft is a multistage procedure and aesthetic results are poor. In this case report the vascularity of the composite graft is attempted to be increased by transposing fascial flap. Fifty-four year old man had an amputation of his ear due to a human bite. The amputated ear was reattached to its original position as a composite graft. Afterwards a temporoparietal fascia flap has been transposed between the posterior skin and the cartilage of the amputated ear. Amputated ear had been revascularised completely without any distorsion at the cartilages. Acceptable aesthetic result was obtained. An ear amputation can succesfully be replanted as a composite graft by using the described technique in a single stage.
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Adaptation Of The Severed Ear With Temporoparietal Fascia Flap In A Partial Ear Amputation
, Vol. 25 (3)
Received : 12.02.2009, Accepted : 12.02.2009, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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