AggreSsion towards woman in marriage ended with divorce

İshak Özkan, Ömer Böke

  • Year : 1997
  • Vol : 13
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 191-197
This study was carried oral retrospectively at Selçuk University Family Center covering the di-vorce cases lı-oın the law-court files 1993 in Konya. The inf'ormation on the divorce registers ►eı-e exa-nıined carefidly and Conflict Tactic Scale is revised for adapting the divorce cases due ta spousal agg-ression towards married women. There result ob-tained data vere analyzed according to minitab sta-tistical programe. Total 526 divorce cases accured in Konya 1993 and divorce due ta agression was found that verbal aggression represented the major cause of divorce (42.44%) followed by physical (33.09%) and verbal and physical aggression (24.46%). The age difference hetween the spouses, espe•ialy signıficant (p<0.05). That is most divorce due to aggresion was occurred between 21-32 yeaı-s of married women age. On the other hand the age of spouses at the time of marriage, the husbands age at the time of divorce, the duration of marriage, the number of either man ör woman did not show sta-significant influence on the divorce due to aggression. As a result, it can be concluded that aggression towards women in general is a major cause of divorce and physical and abusive agg-ression is the serious aspect of divorce due ta agg-r-ession.
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AggreSsion towards woman in marriage ended with divorce
, Vol. 13 (3)
Received : 13.10.1997, Accepted : 13.10.1997, Published Online : 13.10.2020
Selçuk Tıp Dergisi