An interesting clavicular fracture due to gunshot injury.

TUNÇ CEVAT ÖĞÜN, Özlem Akkoyun Sert, Abdullah Şarlak

  • Year : 2000
  • Vol : 16
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 129-130
A patient presented with a gunshot injury to his left shoulder. On his examination, there were no symptoms or signs except an entrance hole in front of his left shoulder. There was no bullet exit hole. Radiologic examination revealed a left clavicular fracture and a dense image suggestive of a metal at the distal portion of the right clavicle just in front of the right glenohumoral joint. İt is very interesting and unusal that a bullet tracing its way from the left shoulder to the right vvithout damaging any internal organ, vascular structure and nerves.
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An interesting clavicular fracture due to gunshot injury.
, Vol. 16 (2)
Received : 03.10.2000, Accepted : 03.10.2000, Published Online : 03.10.2020
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