Analyzing Seroprevalence Of Hbv, Hcv And Hiv At A Hospital’S Employees


  • Year : 2017
  • Vol : 33
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 45-49
All employees (N=498) of Seydişehir Public Hospital’s (SDH) were included, who were working in the period of 2013 and 2015, in the study in order to assess their seroprevalence of Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). After getting the official permission, data on employees’ personnel follow-up forms (health information forms) kept by the Hospital’s Infection Control Unit and records of Hospital Information Management System (HIMS) were retrospectively analyzed. Results showed that employees were HBsAg (+), anti-HBs (+) and anti-HCV (+) as in 0.8%, 86.7% and 0.2% levels, respectively. A statistically significant relationship between occupational status (doctor, nurse/ medical staff, health technician, cleaning personnel and other group) and anti-HBs was found (p<0.001). In the further analysis, the proportion of anti-HBs (+) was lower in the other group (including medical secretary, biologist, psychologist, dietician, pharmacist, security, kitchen worker, driver, information processing, technical service, tailor, social worker, and researcher) than the groups of doctor, nurse / health officer, health technician, cleaning staff. There was no difference in terms of anti-HBs between doctor, nurse / health officer, health technician and cleaning staff group (p=0.442). Also, a statistically significant relationship was observed between the employed units (internal services, surgical services, operating room, intensive care unit, emergency services, dialysis, laboratory and other units). An important difference for anti-HBs seropositivity was found (p=0.011). In the further analysis, the ratio of anti-HBs positivity was lower in the other units including kitchen, security, data entry and technical service than internal services, surgical services, operating room, intensive care, emergency service, dialysis and laboratory groups. There was no difference in terms of anti-HBs positivity among the internal services, surgical services, operating room, intensive care, emergency service, dialysis, and laboratory groups (p=0.717). There were no statistically significant relations of the HBsAg seropositivity with the employed unit (p=0.96) and the professional status of the employees (p=0.566). Consequently, HBV, HCV and HIV seroprevalence levels of SDH employees were in parallel with the other studies.
Cite this Article As : Kepenek E. Hastane Çalışanlarında Hepatit B, Hepatit C ve HIV Virüsünün Seroprevalans Durumlarının İncelemesi. Selcuk Med J 2017;33(3): 45-49
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Analyzing Seroprevalence Of Hbv, Hcv And Hiv At A Hospital’S Employees
, Vol. 33 (3)
Received : 09.03.2017, Accepted : 09.03.2017, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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