Anthropometric analysis of human skulls

Khalil Awadh Murshid

  • Year : 2001
  • Vol : 17
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 1-6
İn our study 85 (40 male and 45 female) human skulls were obtained from skeletal collections belong to the Anatomy Department of the Medical Faculty, University of Selçuk. İn this study the use of anthropometric data from the skulls to evaluate the gender differences, and to identify their anthropological cranial types according to the cephalic indices results. Anthropometric skull measurements were used to establish a comparative study betvveen the obtained literatüre data from previous anthropometric studies on skulls from Aşıklıhöyük area belong to Neolithic age (5000-3000 B.C.) and skulls from Panaztepe area belong to Islamic period (800 A. D.) on one hand, and on the other hand, skulls belong to contemporary individuals from Konya city (Mid-Anatolia) and Ceyhan city (Sourthern Anatolia),who died during the tvventieth century. The results demonstrated that bi-orbital and bizygomatic measurements showed significantly higher values in males (p<0.05) those can be used in the gender differentiation. İn males, cephalic index was 79.07 ± 5.22, in females it was 79.50 ± 5.76. İn males %30.7 of the skulls and in females %41.6 of the skulls were demostrated the Mesocephal (oval-shape) type which was found to be the most common type in the present study.
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Anthropometric analysis of human skulls
, Vol. 17 (1)
Received : 15.11.2000, Accepted : 15.11.2000, Published Online : 02.10.2020
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