Asymptomatic Huge Overial Benign Mucinous Cystadenoma


  • Year : 2015
  • Vol : 31
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 127-128
Asymptomatic huge overial benign mucinous cystadenoma: A case report. Overial benign mucinous cystadenoma can grove huge sizes. Abdominal cysts are usually asymptomatic unless they have huge sizes. It is a rare condition asymptomatic clinical course of a huge abdominal cyst as like in our case. We aim to examine abdominal cysts by presenting a case of huge overial benign mucinous cystadenoma in this article. Abdominal ultrasound imaging is a useful exemination in diagnosis of abdominal cysts. For differential diagnosis abdominal tomography and magnetic resonance must perform as a advenced imaging method. Surgical treatment is usually open surgery performed by a median incision. Although open surgical tecniques are protecting importance as a convential prosedure laparoscopic surgical methods are increasingly having popularization.
Cite this Article As : Badak B,Türk Ö.Asemptomatik Dev Overial Benign Müsinöz Kistadenom. Selcuk Med J 2015;31(3): 127-128
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Asymptomatic Huge Overial Benign Mucinous Cystadenoma
, Vol. 31 (3)
Received : 17.03.2014, Accepted : 17.03.2014, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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