Babies with low birth vveight (SGA) and their problems

Erdal Yılmaz, Saadet Akarsu, Yaşar Doğan, M. Kaya Gürgöze, A. Denizmen Aygün

  • Year : 2000
  • Vol : 16
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 183-187
Risk factors and encountered problems during follow-up in babies with low birth weight (SGA) were investigated. 108 babies with SGA and who were follovved by our pediatrics department vvere evaluated. 52cases vvere male (48.2%) and 56 cases vvere female (51.8%) .40.7% of ali cases vvere prematüre and others (59.3%) vvere term babies. 53.7% of ali cases vvere applied from the city çenter. Low socioeconomic level, mother’s age lovver than 18 years, and preeclampsia vvere the most freguent risk factors. Infections (32.4%) , asphyxia (25.9%), hypoglysemia (21.3%) and polycythemia (19.4%) vvere the freguent problems. Important causes for mortality vvere infections, congenital abnormalities, and asphxy.
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Babies with low birth vveight (SGA) and their problems
, Vol. 16 (3)
Received : 03.10.2000, Accepted : 03.10.2000, Published Online : 03.10.2020
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