Behavioural problems in adolescent children of alcoholics.


  • Year : 2020
  • Vol : 36
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 244-251

Context: Alcohol dependence syndrome is a major problem affecting both individuals and their family. Children of alcohol dependent parents are vulnerable to a host of behavioural problems. Studies in the west have shown both internalizing and externalizing symptoms in these children.

Aims: To assess the psychological functioning in offspring of alcohol dependent parents and its association with severity of alcohol dependence.

Settings and Design: This study was conducted at the Department of Psychiatry of a Tertiary hospital in Bangalore spanning a period of one year. Eighty children aged 11 years - 18 years, along with their alcohol dependent fathers were included.

Methods and Material: Socio demographic details of the parent and the child were collected by a semi structured Performa along with informed consent. Alcohol dependence was diagnosed based on ICD 10 criteria. Severity of Alcohol dependence was assessed using Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ). Psychological functioning of the children was assessed using Youth Self Report Scale (YSR).

Statistical analysis used: descriptive statistics, and Chi-square test

Results: Among 80 children assessed 41 were males and 39 were females. 47.5% of them showed significant internalizing symptoms and 48.7% significant externalizing symptoms. Internalizing scores had higher correlation with girls (P – 0.004) and externalizing symptoms in boys (P – 0.008). However no correlation was found with severity of dependence in the father.

Conclusions: It was found that there was high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in terms of externalizing and internalizing behaviours in children of alcohol dependent fathers. Thus early detection of these problems and intervention would ensure improved functioning in this group.

Cite this Article As : Kshamaa HG, Aswath M, Shivaraju PT. Behavioural Problems in Adolescent Children of Alcoholics. Selcuk Med J 2020;36(3): 244-251
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Behavioural problems in adolescent children of alcoholics.
, Vol. 36 (3)
Received : 24.06.2020, Accepted : 24.06.2020, Published Online : 02.09.2020
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