Cartilaginous tumors of the larnyx

HAMDİ ARBAĞ, KAYHAN ÖZTÜRK, Yavuz Uyar, Çağatay Han Ülkü

  • Year : 2001
  • Vol : 17
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 213-216
Cartilaginous tumors of larynx are rare, but should be suspected in elderly patients with persistent hoarseness, dyspnea, or dysphagia after malign epithelial tumors has been disproved. 250 cases have been reported in the literatüre. These tumors were investigated by revievved of the literatüre.
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Cartilaginous tumors of the larnyx
, Vol. 17 (3)
Received : 18.10.2000, Accepted : 18.10.2000, Published Online : 02.10.2020
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