Cholangiojejunostomy in Obstructive Icter

YAlçın kekeç, Hüsnü Sönmez, Emin U. Erkoçak, haluk Demiryürek, Rıfkı Altınay, Cemalettin Camcı

  • Year : 1993
  • Vol : 9
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 158-165
Since Jaunuary 1989, cholangiojejunostomy was performed in 14 patients with obstructive icter. Obstruction was due to benign stricture in three patients and malign stricture in 11 patients. Central cholangiojejunostomy in eight patients, periferal cholangiojejunostomy in five patients, periferal and central cholangiojejunostomy in one paüent were performed. Stent was used in all patients. Four patients died in early period. Three patients with benign strictures are healty. In seven patients with strictures due to malignant diseases, comfortable survivals were provided until their deads. On conclusion, we believe cholangiojejunostomy is an effective procedure for the suitable patients who have obstructive icter.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Cholangiojejunostomy in Obstructive Icter
, Vol. 9 (2)
Received : 22.10.1993, Accepted : 22.10.1993, Published Online : 22.10.2020
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