Chronic Lipodermatosclerosis In A Young Male Patient


  • Year : 2017
  • Vol : 33
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 36-38
Lipodermatosclerosis is a progressive dermatosis, which is closely related with chronic venous insufficiency. Lipodermatosclerosis has been clinically classified into acute, subacute and chronic stages. Acute phase, which also represents a sequelae of chronic venous insufficiency, is commonly misdiagnosed as cellulitis, since typical clinical presentation closely resembles cellulitis with extremely painful, indurated plaques with intense erythema and edema affecting distal parts of the lower extremities. Chronic lipodermatosclerosis is much more common than acute lipodermatosclerosis and this form is easily recognized with clinical examination. Chronic lipodermatosclerosis is more common in women, indeed up to 90% of the reported cases are women in their middle ages. Here, we report a young male patient with chronic lipodermatosclerosis on right lower extremity, which had been developed in the presence of chronic venous insufficiency. We point out and highlight the clinical characteristics of this patient as chronic lipodermatosclerosis is less frequently observed in young males.
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Chronic Lipodermatosclerosis In A Young Male Patient
, Vol. 33 (2)
Received : 18.03.2015, Accepted : 18.03.2015, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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