Claudication In Geriatric Patients: Association Of Neurogenic And Vascular Claudication


  • Year : 2012
  • Vol : 28
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 178-180
Difficulty in walking, pain, numbness and other symptoms may occur in geriatric patients during walking, depending on various pathologies of waist, hips, knees and other areas. However claudication is an important symptom that is watched in specific clinic tables. That often appears by walking and it is described as not localized pain in one or two legs, weakness, numbness, parestesia and cramp by patients. Vascular claudication, especially monitored in peripheral arterial disease and neurogenic claudication monitored in lumbar spinal stenosis are the most important and initial clinical symptoms of these statements. In the presence of lower extremity pain in geriatric patients there are many diseases to be considered in the differential diagnosis. Therefore, patients with claudication should not be neglected as defined for the differential diagnosis and a guiding symptom. In this text, we present a case which described a variable claudication and diagnosed with lumber spinal stenosis and peripheral artery disease the aim of rewiewing the process from symptoms to diagnosis.
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Claudication In Geriatric Patients: Association Of Neurogenic And Vascular Claudication
, Vol. 28 (3)
Received : 02.04.2011, Accepted : 02.04.2011, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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