Comparision of HbA1-c Levels of Hyperthyroid, Hypothyroid and Healthy Subjects

MEHMET GÜRBİLEK, HÜSEYİN UYSAL, SÜLEYMAN TÜRK, Mustafa Yöntem, İsmail Öztok, Mustafa Ünaldı

  • Year : 1991
  • Vol : 7
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 203-205
in 42 hyperthyroid, 12 hypothyroid and 35 healthy subjects, HbA1-c analyses were performed. HbA1-c, values were 4.82 ± 1.34%, 5.47 ± 0.66% and 4.74 ± 1.02% in normal, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid subjects, respectively. it was concluded that Mis high HbA1-c, value in hyperthyroid subjects might be due to increased rate of carbohydrate metabolism. These findings were compared with those of literature.
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Comparision of HbA1-c Levels of Hyperthyroid, Hypothyroid and Healthy Subjects
, Vol. 7 (2)
Received : 17.11.1991, Accepted : 17.11.1991, Published Online : 16.11.2020
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