Comparison of CT Virtual Cystoscopy and Conventional Cystoscopy in Diagnosis of Bladder Tumors


  • Year : 2007
  • Vol : 23
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 47-56
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of contrast material-filled virtual cystoscopy in the detection of bladder tumors. Material and method: Thirty-six consecutive patients (28 male and 8 female; range age, 51-82 years; mean age ± SD, 65 ± 7 years) who had painless hematuria and suspected to have bladder neoplasm prospectively evaluated with virtual cystoscopy. After the intravenous injection of contrast medium, the contrast material-filled bladder was examined with single detector helical computed tomography (CT) scan with 2-mm slice thickness. Source CT data were transferred to a workstation for interactive navigation using surface rendering. All patients also underwent conventional cystoscopy. The results of virtual cystoscopy were compared with the findings of conventional cystoscopy. Results: Seventy-one of 78 bladder tumors detected with conventional cystoscopy in 28 patients were also shown on virtual images. Five patients had a normal appearance on both conventional cystoscopy and virtual cystoscopy. On virtual cystoscopy, seven of the 12 lesions 5 mm or smaller in diameter could be identified. We found the following statistical values for the identification of bladder lesions on virtual cystoscopy: sensitivity, 94%; specificity, 90%; positive predictive value, 87%; negative predictive value, 93%; and accuracy 93%. Conclusion: CT virtual cystoscopy is a noninvasive technique which is used successfully for detection of bladder tumors larger than 5 mm.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Comparison of CT Virtual Cystoscopy and Conventional Cystoscopy in Diagnosis of Bladder Tumors
, Vol. 23 (2)
Received : 03.07.2006, Accepted : 03.07.2006, Published Online : 30.09.2020
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