Crystalloid and blood cardioplegia in myo-cardial protection


  • Year : 1997
  • Vol : 13
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 113-120
Thirty patients scheduled for elective coronary aı-tery hypass grafting (CABG) were randoınly al-located tü two groups foı- myocaı-dial preservation: crystalloid cardioplegia (group 1), blood car-dioplegia (group 2). In group 1 ,2.4±0.6 distal anas-tomoses for each patient were performed. In the next group (group 2), the numher of distal anastomoses was 2.4±0.7. The demographic pı-ofiles were iden-tical. Crystalloid and hlood cardioplegia were de-livered thı-ought the aortic root intermittently. The patient temperature was kept at 30°C. The study pto-tocol compı-ised recording of the following pa-rameteı-s: 1. Postoperatively positive inotropic and IABP suppoı-t 2. Postoperatively CK-MB, LDH, SGOT and CK enzyme studies 3. ECG changes (rhythm disturbances) 4. Spontaneous sinus rhythm (after removing cross-clamp). The low enzyme values in concerning injury was taken in the blood cardioplegia gı-oub. The results in this study suggest that betteı- myo-cardial pr-otection may be thought to occur hy hlood cardiopegia. We can say that blood cardiopegia is a safi. alternative way of myocaı-dial protection 1,vith good clinical r-esults and lower enzyme levels.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Crystalloid and blood cardioplegia in myo-cardial protection
, Vol. 13 (2)
Received : 13.10.1997, Accepted : 13.10.1997, Published Online : 13.10.2020
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