Cystic Parathyroid Adenoma With Acute Parathyroid Crisis

ARİF ATAY, ERSİN TURAN, Süleyman Süleyman kargın, EMET EBRU NAZİK, Osman Doğru

  • Year : 2016
  • Vol : 32
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 49-51
Cystic lesions of the parathyroid gland are uncommon. Although majority of patients with cystic parathyroid adenoma present with mild hypercalcemia, some may present with parathyroid crisis which can be a life-threatening clinical condition. In this article, we present a patient who applied to emergency service with symptoms of acute parathyroid crisis, was diagnosed parathyroid adenoma with cystic degeneration and treated. A 46 years old male patient was applied to emergency service with confusion. In blood analyses, calcium level was 16,6 mg/dl and akut kidney failure was determined. In radiological imagination, parathyroid adenoma with cystic degeneration was determined and patient was treated minimal invasive parathyroidectomy.After the operation, parathormon and calcium levels were returned the normal levels. Parathyroid cysts are uncommon, and they are classified as functional or nonfunctional so far as hypercalcemia. Functional cystic parathyroid adenomas are very rare. These patients can approach with symptoms of hyperparathyroidism or parathyroid crisis. Parathyroid adenomas with cystic degeneration and functional parathyroid cysts should be considered about causes of primary hyperparathyroidism and acute parathyroid crisis.
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Cystic Parathyroid Adenoma With Acute Parathyroid Crisis
, Vol. 32 (2)
Received : 07.04.2015, Accepted : 07.04.2015, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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