Delayed diagnosis of subcapsular hematoma of the spleen

KEMAL ÖDEV, SERDAR KARAKÖSE, Aydın Karabacakoğlu, Ergün Deniz, Ayşe Yüceaktaş

  • Year : 2000
  • Vol : 16
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 55-58
Novvadays, patients suffering from blunt abdominal trauma are examined by abdominal ultrasonography, routinly. Subcapsular bleeding of the spleen in these patients can be overlooked if there isn't free fluid in the abdominal cavity, ultrasonographic examination carried out in suboptimal contitions and after the trauma attention was in- tensified on the Central nervous system injury. İn 3 cases who have been examined by abdominal ult­ rasonography just after the trauma, any pathological finding was not been determined related with their spleen also examined by upper abdominal computed tomography because of their some complaints after the trauma (1 wk-1 yr) and splenic subcapsular hematomas were establised in these patients. İn patients with delayed de- velopment of splenic subcapsular hematoma following abdominal trauma can cause late rupture of the spleen, so we think that the patients suffering from blunt abdominal trauma must be examined by the control radiological methods after the trauma.
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Delayed diagnosis of subcapsular hematoma of the spleen
, Vol. 16 (1)
Received : 03.10.2000, Accepted : 03.10.2000, Published Online : 03.10.2020
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