Effective Approach To Aneurysms Of Av Fistulas For Hemodialysis: Aneurysmorrhaphy


  • Year : 2017
  • Vol : 33
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 1-4
Aneurysmorrhaphy is the procedure through which venous continuity is provided by resecting the thinned wall of aneurysm and fixing the remaining part. Aneurysmorrhaphy is the repairing method that we apply in priority. We believe that, the fixing of aneurysm by aneurysmorrhaphy before the complications comes out is important in terms of continuity of vein of AVF and long term use. A total of 33 cases of true aneurysm induced by and repaired through aneurysmorraphy method between 2010 and 2015 were included in the study. The localization of true aneurysm depending on AVF of the persons who were participated in this study included antebrachial of the radio-cephalic AVF in 11 patients, the antecubital region brachio-cephalic AVF in 20 patients and in the antecubital AVF brachio-basilica in 2 patients. Patients were followed for three years after aneurysmorraphy. Despite the fact that expansion occurred in repaired venous structure, no pathology was identified requiring intervention in in 30 cases. In three patients, recurrent expansion and problems were observed in the localization where aneurysmorraphy repairing was reapplied. Before any complication occurs, intervening in aneurysm and reduction of it without breaking the continuity of AV fistula are effective surgical methods.
Cite this Article As : Özülkü M, Aygün F. Hemodiyaliz amaçlı AV fistül anevrizmalarında etkili bir yaklaşım; anevrizmorafi. Selcuk Med J 2017;33(1): 1-4
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Effective Approach To Aneurysms Of Av Fistulas For Hemodialysis: Aneurysmorrhaphy
, Vol. 33 (1)
Received : 05.02.2016, Accepted : 05.02.2016, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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