Effectiveness of Some Parameters in The Patients with Abdominal Pain in Surgical Decision Making


  • Year : 2008
  • Vol : 24
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 153-158
Aim: This study aimed to determine which of these parameters is effective in surgical decision making. Material and Method: The study population consisted of 87 patients, 56 (64%) male and 31 (36%) female [mean age, 8.18±1.25 years (±SD); range, 1 to 16 years], who were examined and investigated in our department. Two groups were studied: Operated group (O group) who underwent surgery and included 76 children and nonoperated group (NO group) who did not undergone surgery and included 11 children. In both groups age, gender, preoperative temperature, leukocyte count in blood and urine, the plain XRay film of the abdomen, abdominal ultrasonography (USG), nasogastric drenage (NGD), preoperative diagnosis and treatment were identified. Results: In preoperative period temperature were significantly high in only perforated appendicitis compared with other causes of abdominal pain (P=0.028). Gase-liquid level in perforated appendicitis and gase image in acute appendicitis were significantly high compared with other causes of abdominal pain in plain graphy (P=0.001). USG was rather significant in the differential diagnosis of intussuception and mesenteric lymphadenopathy compared with other causes of abdominal pain in this period (P=0.000). In addition, USG was found as a valuable parameter in surgical decision making. Leukocyte count in blood (P=0.346), the leucocyte in urine (P=0.131), NGD (P=0.205) were not significant in surgical making decision. Conclusion: It was shown that temperature were significantly high and gase-liquid level in the patients who are suspected to be perforated appendicitis of the patients who have abdominal pain in preoperative period. We may say that abdominal USG is effective especially in the differential diagnosis of intussuception and mesenter lymphadenitis to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Effectiveness of Some Parameters in The Patients with Abdominal Pain in Surgical Decision Making
, Vol. 24 (3)
Received : 17.09.2008, Accepted : 17.09.2008, Published Online : 29.09.2020
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