Effects of zinc supplementation to the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis in reducing recurrence

ABDULKERİM KASIM BALTACI, RASİM MOĞULKOÇ, Hüsnü Çelik, Ekrem Sapmaz, Selahattin Kumru

  • Year : 1999
  • Vol : 15
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 65-68
The effects of zinc addition to the fluconazole therapy which is a systemic anticandidial agent vvidely used in vul­ vovaginal candidiasis were investigated. Sixty-eight non-pregnant vvomen having sımptoms of vulvovaginal can­ didiasis were evaluated and compared in randomly selected two groups. One of the groups was treated with flu­ conazole (n=33) while the other was treated vvith fluconazole + zinc (n=35). KOH preparation and culture results and relapse ratios vvere compared betvveen two groups. Relaps ratio was found significantly lovver in fluconasole + zinc treated group.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Effects of zinc supplementation to the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis in reducing recurrence
, Vol. 15 (2)
Received : 05.10.1999, Accepted : 05.10.1999, Published Online : 05.10.2020
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