Epidemiological analysis of trauma cases applying to emergency department


  • Year : 2003
  • Vol : 19
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 33-36
Trauma is stili an important mortality and morbidity cause among the young population in the world. Therefore, trauma should be seriously considered in view of medical and social factors. İn this study, it was aimed to inves- tigate the types of trauma in respect to reasons, and to provide data to epidemiologic Information of our country. Between January 1999 and December 1999, totally 2850 cases with trauma [(2051 male (72%) and 799 female (28%)] applied to Emergency Department of Selçuk University, Meram Medical Faculty, were analyzed retro- spectively. AH cases were evaluated according to their sex, age, type of trauma, time of trauma, the duration betvveen the onset of trauma and application time to the Emergency Service, and type of transportation. 2332 (82%) of cases were aged betvveen 0 and 40 years. 1593 (55.9%>) of the cases had trauma due to car-crush. Only 885 cases (31.1 %) were transferred to Emergency Service vvithin 1 hour. Most of the trauma occurred on Sundays (n=467, 16.4%), and in June (n=342, 12%>). The most frequent reason of the trauma was found to be fail (50.5%). İt was concluded that, in the organisation of trauma, the vvounded subject should be transferred to the nearest trau­ ma çenter, according to the degree of his/her trauma.
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Epidemiological analysis of trauma cases applying to emergency department
, Vol. 19 (1)
Received : 14.10.2002, Accepted : 14.10.2002, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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