İmmature teratoma and its differential diagnosis


  • Year : 2004
  • Vol : 20
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 39-41
Aim: To report an immature teratoma case that was differentiated from mature teratoma. Case report: A 29 year old woman consulted to Gynecology and Obsterics clinic vvith pelvic pain. İn the histoıy of the patient, it was un- derstood that she had left sided ooferectomy due to left ovarial cyst. At that time the ovarial pathologyhad been reported as normal. İn the pelvic examination of the patient a pelvic mass that can not be differentiated from ute- rus was detected. İn the pelvic ultrasonography of the patient, at the right ovarial area a smooth bordered hete- rogenous mass that had calcified areas vvith in the body, and that was measured as to be 11x11 cm and found to have solid and cystic components was detected.İn the laboratory finding AFP: 10,5 (0-7), CEA: 6,4 (0-4,1), CA 125: 32,9 (0-21), CA19.9: 322 (0-18,4), CA 15.3 :24,5 (7,5-53 ), HCG < 1 was found. The patient had been operated, the right ovarial mass extirpation and right ooferectomy had been done. The diagnosis vvith the histopathological examination of the mass was defined as immature teratoma grade-l. Conclusion: İt is needed to get several biop- sies of the pathological spesimen in order not to skip. The immature components of the teratomas and neural com­ ponents should be shown vvith immunohistochemical methods.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
İmmature teratoma and its differential diagnosis
, Vol. 20 (1)
Received : 06.06.2002, Accepted : 06.06.2002, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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