Insulin and Cortisol Levels of Healthy Obese People Living in Konya Region

Mustafa Ünaldı, Ahmet Çığlı, Aykut Çağlayan, MEHMET GÜRBİLEK, MEhmet Akdoğan, MEHMET AKÖZ

  • Year : 1991
  • Vol : 7
  • Issue : 4
  •  Page : 475-478
ln order to determine whether healty obese people with habit of much eating are susceptile io D.M.; Serum insülin and cortisol levels of nonobese healthy subjects (52 .female, 44 male) and 29 healthy obese (19 fentale, 10 male) were investigated. Serum insulin and corti-sol levels are as follows: Non-obese women .52±2.43 pIUlml. and 17.61±5.40 1tgldl, non-obese men 11.22±3.73 AILliml and 16.37.38 obese women 19.988.25 plUlml and 18.43±6.32 ltgrlctl, obese inen; 22.75-1-6.82 p1(11m1 and 17.08-1-6.73 ,ugldl respectivelvly. lnsulin levels of obese healthy subjects were significantly (p<0.001) higher 'han those of non-obese healthy subjects. Also, there were and important correlation between body ma.s-s index and serum insulin levels (r=0.836, p<0.001). The direct relationship between obesity and hyperisulinism and incrcased levels of cortisol together with increased iitslifirt resistance in obese people suggest that these people are potentially diabetics.
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Insulin and Cortisol Levels of Healthy Obese People Living in Konya Region
, Vol. 7 (4)
Received : 14.11.1991, Accepted : 14.11.1991, Published Online : 13.11.2020
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