Investigation Of Changes In Ocular Hemodynamics With Color Doppler Ultrasounography Before And After Trabeculectomy Operation In Open Angle Glaucoma


  • Year : 2010
  • Vol : 26
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 84-89
To evaluate changes in flow characteristics of central retinal artery, ophthalmic artery, and posterior ciliary arteries with color Doppler ultrasounography (CDU) before and after trabeculectomy surgery in open angle glaucoma. Fifteen eyes of 15 patients included in this prospective study and ocular haemodynamic characteristics were investigated with CDU preoperatively and at postoperative 2.nd and weeks. Operated eyes were included in study group while unoperated eyes in the control group. Preoperatively and postoperative values of systolic maximum velocity, end diastolic velocity, mean velocity, and resistive index values of ophthalmic artery, central retinal artery, nasal and temporal ciliary artery were compared. No statistical change was observed in ophthalmic artery measurement parameters. However, when compared preoperative values, there were statistically significant increase in end diastolic velocity, mean velocity values and decrease in resistive index values of ophthalmic artery, central retinal artery, nasal and temporal ciliary artery at postoperative 2.nd and weeks. CDU can be used in investigation of vascular structures in glaucoma pathophysiology and for follow up of glaucoma as an alternative measurement method.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Investigation Of Changes In Ocular Hemodynamics With Color Doppler Ultrasounography Before And After Trabeculectomy Operation In Open Angle Glaucoma
, Vol. 26 (3)
Received : 27.01.2010, Accepted : 27.01.2010, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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