Kikuchi’S Lymphadenitis. A Case Report And Evaluation Of Cases Reported From Turkey


  • Year : 2010
  • Vol : 26
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 99-102
Evaluation of Turkish cases reported as Kikuchi lymphadenitis, together with an additional case report. Excisional lymph node biopsy is performed on a 26 years old female patient, who is admitted to the hospital with complaints of a palpable mass at axilla and fever. Pathological examination revealed multiple foci of necrosis with sharp, irregular borders. Dense histiocytic proliferation without presence of neutrophil leukocytes is seen in these foci. Clinical and morphological findings of this case are found to be concordant with Kikuchi’s lymhadenitis. As a rare type of lymphadenitis, Kikuchi’s disease has a special importance due to its inclusion in differential diagnosis of lymphoma. Since it is uncommon to be counted in clinical pre-diagnosis, it must be absolutely taken into consideration in pathological evaluation. Together with this case report, mean age of totally 31 cases from Turkey is 31. Female to male ratio of these cases is 1.45. The most common clinical findings are palpable mass and fever. Masses may be painful or painless, as if fever may be subfebrile. Most common location is cervical region and the second common location is axillary region. As laboratory findings, ESR, CRP and LDH levels are increased and leukopenia is found. This pathology must be included especially in differential diagnoses of cases with clinical pre-diagnoses of lymphoma and fever of unknown origin.
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Kikuchi’S Lymphadenitis. A Case Report And Evaluation Of Cases Reported From Turkey
, Vol. 26 (3)
Received : 25.03.2010, Accepted : 25.03.2010, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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