Late Term Complication Of Intrathoracic Bullet


  • Year : 2013
  • Vol : 29
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 28-30
There is no consensus in approach to patients suffered from gunshot injuries since they almost die in scene or on the way to the emegency room. Manegement of the patients with gunshot bullet wounds of thorax is different even among thoracic surgeons. Complication of penetrating chest trauma due to gunshot injuries can occur within days, months even within years. A patient was admitted to the thoracic surgery clinic in bad condition. Foreign body was detected in chest X-ray patient. He had been considered stable and non complicated and discharged from hospital after a penetating gunshot injury of thorax two years ago. We report late presentation of empyema as a late complication of bullet after two years of injury.
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Late Term Complication Of Intrathoracic Bullet
, Vol. 29 (1)
Received : 07.07.2011, Accepted : 07.07.2011, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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