Left Atrial Myxoma and Arterial Embolism

HASAN SOLAK, KADİR DURGUT, TAHİR YÜKSEK, Ufuk Özergin, Ufuk Tütün, Tunç Solak

  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 123-127
A 60 year old woman was referred because of bi-lateral femoral arterial embolism. On examination a diagnosis of cardiac myxoma is made on the left side. Surgical removal is indicated whenever a di-agnosis cardiac myxoma is made. Generally it is concidered an urgent procedure, particulary if the patient has a history of embolism since it has been noted that 8% to 10% patients die from embolic complications while waiting for operation.
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Left Atrial Myxoma and Arterial Embolism
, Vol. 12 (1)
Received : 15.10.1996, Accepted : 15.10.1996, Published Online : 14.10.2020
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