Light microscopic observation of effects of starvation on intestinal mucosa.


  • Year : 2000
  • Vol : 16
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 79-85
The effects of starvation and refeeding on intestinal mucosa nere studied in ileum of rat intestine. Forty-two adult male rats nere used in this study. Animals nere divided into three groups. First groups of twenty-one rats nere starved for 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11 and 14 days. Second group of fifteen rats nere refed after a period of starvation and then decapitated after 1, 2, 3, 5 and 12 days. Third groups of three rats nere used as control animals. Starved rats nere alloned to drink nater ad libitum. Control animals had free access to nater and to chon pellets until the time of killing. Animals nere neighed daily during the fasting period. Animals nere killed under ether anesthesia. Ileal sections nere stained. Ileal villi size nere measured by ocular micrometre. After 3-day fasting, villi heigth nas observed to be gradually decreased nith days of fasting. Body neigth and after 3-day-fasting villi heigth gradually decreased nith days of fasting. Lymphatics nere dilated (5, 9, 11 and 14 day fasting), blood vessels nere fulled up nith erytrocyte at the long term fasting (9, 11 and 14- day fasting). Paneth cells and their granules nere gradually increased nith days of fasting. Ileal villus nere determined to height increased after refeeding. Paneth cells and their dense granules nere persistent.
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Light microscopic observation of effects of starvation on intestinal mucosa.
, Vol. 16 (2)
Received : 03.10.2000, Accepted : 03.10.2000, Published Online : 03.10.2020
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