Lithium Versus Carbamazepine in the Tre-atment of Manic Episode

RÜSTEM AŞKIN, Mehmet Soysal

  • Year : 1994
  • Vol : 10
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 391-394
0/ 24 patients Irvith a DSIU-111-R diagnosis of manic episode, aged 16-6/in giffki physical health. 12 ii-ere randomly allocated to receive car-bama:epine and 12 lithium to appraise the an-cliiracy and side effects were evaluated with repect tra _y-1lainhta Behavior Assesment Seale, Brief Psychiatric Patin!,.! Scale (BPRS). pa-tients reports and clinici,w obwrration. At the end (../ the Slifdy. :;i0h11 ciinicai improvement 11. vs- seen In 91 mcr of patients and in 58.3q Of respect to Bun-Bchavifir -1,s-Nerne111 Scale alit' BPRS lithium showed also significantly superiority to car-banta:epine (p<0.033). The ino,s( Ircquent side cf-feels in ca•baina=epine Qom].) heileici•he (50(.: (2.5%), nausea i25‘:, ) Ifoileici, in the la-tllitlrt2roup any side (.16-0 was not ,oserved at a rah: of 25C
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Lithium Versus Carbamazepine in the Tre-atment of Manic Episode
, Vol. 10 (3)
Received : 16.10.1994, Accepted : 16.10.1994, Published Online : 16.10.2020
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