lron, Copper and Some Antioxidants Con-centrations in Type Il Diabetes Mellitus

Sadinaz Kalak, İdris Akkuş, Osman Çağlayan, Mahmut Ay, Elif Zeren

  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 4
  •  Page : 361-365
In the present study. serum copper. re-ruloplasmin, uric and, iron. unsaturated iron bin-ding capacity (UIBC), total iron hinding capacity (TIBC), transferrin and % transferrin saturation le-vels of patients with type II diahetes mellitus and he-althy controls were investigated. Patients were con-sisted of 27 cases (12 male, 15 female) aged 34 - 77 years and controls consisted of 22 subjects (10 male, 12 female) aged 30 - 74 years. Serum ceruloplasmin concentrations of diahetics was significantly increased compared ta that of he-alty controls (p: 0.01). There was no signıficant dif-ference hetween the other parameters. The un-derlying mechanism of increased ceruloplasmin level of diahetic patients is not known. The results are discussed in •iew of literature findings.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
lron, Copper and Some Antioxidants Con-centrations in Type Il Diabetes Mellitus
, Vol. 12 (4)
Received : 13.10.1996, Accepted : 13.10.1996, Published Online : 13.10.2020
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