Medical Students’ Views About Practical Lessons’ Slides Which Used Education Of Practical Anatomy


  • Year : 2013
  • Vol : 29
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 71-74
In this study, 113 medical students views which related to using of the photographs of bones and anatomical models on the slides were evaluated and tried to gather comments about effects of slides to anatomy practical education. A questionnaire which consisting of three open-ended question was prepared by the Anatomy Department of Meram Medical Faculty of the Konya University and then they were presented to 113 students. Participants ages of this survey were between 18-30. The obtained data were evaluated using SPSS computer program. The answers that questionnaire about the practical trainings shows; classified through the student opposition wheter: negative, positive and evolution. Whole the volunteers reported that there is a positive impact on the education of practical anatomy using the slides. While 28 % of the students did not give negative opinion on the other hand, 16 % of the students did not give any opinion for evaluating this slides. 20,5% of male students and %1,8 female students gave an opposition about the “advantage of practical slides for lessons” (p<0,001). 15,4% of male students opposition shows that there is no need to attend the classes, on the other hand; 100% of female students disagree on this view. 100% of male students and 19,1% female students agreed on an idea that the slides should develop and evaluate by adding the opinion such that; in the conclusion of the slides there should be questions and the summary. Using the models, bones and slides have a possitive effect on learning anatomy practical education. The results demonstrate that; slides method should be developed by such a subject: technique, meaning and variation. As a result, to reach the better goals on anatomy education, it can be better for anatomy practical education that matter the opinion of students.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Medical Students’ Views About Practical Lessons’ Slides Which Used Education Of Practical Anatomy
, Vol. 29 (2)
Received : 12.10.2012, Accepted : 12.10.2012, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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