Morphometric Examination of Accessory air cells by using computed tomography

AHMET KAVAKLI, İlter Kuş, Mustafa Sarsılmaz, Hanefi Yıldırım, Hasan Baki Altınsoy, Murat Ögetürk

  • Year : 2004
  • Vol : 20
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 60-65
The temporal bone pneumatization is be divided into five section. These sections are as written down: The middle ear, squamomastiod (mastoid), perilabyrinthine, pertros apex and accessory. The accessory. The accessory section is divided as squamosal, zygomatic, occipital and styloid subsections. The volüme of the accessory air cell in temporal bone was measured by using the CT scans. 132 normal ears were observed in total of 66 cases. 34 of the cases were male, while 32 were female. The age average of the male was 39.50 where as it was 42,84 for the female. In our study, the pneumatic mastoid proportion of the male and female was observed as about 75-80 %. The zygomatic and squamoz air cells proportions were, especially, high in both sexes. The visibility of the proportions of the accessory air cells and their volumes were higher in the male when compared with the female however, it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Our results were compared with sources and they were found adaptive. The result obtained here in should help surgeons in the middle ear planning operations on sections including accessory air cells.
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Morphometric Examination of Accessory air cells by using computed tomography
, Vol. 20 (2)
Received : 17.12.2003, Accepted : 17.12.2003, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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