Nephronophthisis - uremic medullary cystic disease (UMCD) complex


  • Year : 2003
  • Vol : 19
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 111-113
This is a group of Progressive renaldisorders that usualy have their onset in childhood. The common characteris- tic is the peresence of a variable number of cysts in the medulla associated with significant cortical tubular atro- phy and interstitial fibrosis. Although the presence of medullary cysts is important, the corticaltubulointerstitial dam- age is the causeof the eventual renal incufficiency. İt has four variants: 1- Sporodic, nonfamilial (% 20); 2- Familial juvenile nephronophytisis (% 50), inherited asa recessive disease; 3- Renal - retinal dysplasia (% 15), recessively inherited and associated with retinitis pigmentosa; and 4-Adult onset medullary cystic disease, dominantly inherited (%15). The case had shown the view of sporadic nonfamilial variant of UMCD and was presented because of the rarity in literatüre it.
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Nephronophthisis - uremic medullary cystic disease (UMCD) complex
, Vol. 19 (2)
Received : 30.07.2002, Accepted : 30.07.2002, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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