Nitrendipine in the Treatment of Hypertension

MEHDİ YEKSAN, MEHMET NUMAN TAMER, Hüseyin Kazancı, Doğan Çiftçi

  • Year : 1991
  • Vol : 7
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 213-218
This study was carried out to find out the clinical affect, tolerance, side affect and metabolic affects of nitrendipine on 43 hypertensive patients. The pa-tients were divided tn to 3 groups as light, rnild and severe. In study group 11 patients had atherosciehot-ic heart disease, 3 had congestive heart failure and 13 had diabetes mellitus. Nitrendipine was giyen ta all patients 20 mg one dese daily in the morning. The patients were examined upon his application, in the firsth, the third and the sixth weeks. At the end of the six week treatment, the affect and the side affect of nitrendipine were evaluated. The success rate of nitrendipine in light hypertension was 86.66%, in mild hypertension was 81.81%, 64.70% in severe hypertension and considering the total 43 patients, the success was 76.74% in our study. While meaningful decrease in blood pressure in all hypertensive groups was observed at the end of six week treat►ent, meaningful increase in pulse rate was noticed in all except diabetic and the old pa-tients. The side affects such as particularly palpita-tion, headache and flushing, dizziness, feel of vomit-ing and exhoustion were noticed 44.18% of all groups. In conclusion, nitrendipine was proved to be ef-fectiw and reliable drug in all hypertensive patients.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Nitrendipine in the Treatment of Hypertension
, Vol. 7 (2)
Received : 17.11.1991, Accepted : 17.11.1991, Published Online : 16.11.2020
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