Otomycosis in incidence and response to combined therapy in noncomplicated suppurative otitis re-sistant to medical treatment

BEDRİ ÖZER, Ökkeş Emlik, DUYGU FINDIK, Yavuz Uyar, Ziya Cenik

  • Year : 1998
  • Vol : 14
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 95-99
This study was constructed on 103 middle ear drainage of 90 suppurative chronic otitis media patients who app-lied to the outpatient clinics of the Selçuk University Faculty af Medicine. Aerobic bacteria and mycatic cultures of middle ear discharges were taken from patients. Standart therapeutic regime (daily care and topical drops with an-tibiotics) was applied ta MI of the patients according to their culture-antibiogram. Some of the patients who are re-sistant this medication were undertakerı to combirıed otomycotic therapy. The results showed that suppurative chro-nic otitis media was a risk factor for otomycosis. It was indicated that the addition of antifungal drugs ta the conventional treatment protocol increased the recovery chance of patients who resistant to conventional therapy.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Otomycosis in incidence and response to combined therapy in noncomplicated suppurative otitis re-sistant to medical treatment
, Vol. 14 (3)
Received : 10.10.1998, Accepted : 10.10.1998, Published Online : 10.10.2020
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