Our Experience of Nonoperative Management in Patients with Liver Injury Due to Multiple Blunt Trauma


  • Year : 2021
  • Vol : 37
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 57-63




There is still no consensus on nonoperative management (NOM) for the treatment of patients with liver injury due to multiple trauma. In this study, we aimed to present our experience in patients who underwent NOM in our hospital due to liver injury resulting from blunt trauma.

Material & Methods

In this study, a total of 104 patients who presented to our hospital with liver injury due to multiple trauma were retrospectively evaluated. Patients with successful NOM and those who underwent laparotomy due to failure of NOM were grouped.


All of the 104 patients had solid organ injury due to blunt abdominal trauma, and 58 of these had thorax trauma. NOM was successfully performed in 94 patients with liver injury due to blunt abdominal trauma. The treatment was converted to surgery in 10 patients during conservative follow-up. According to injury grades; 35 patients were graded as Grade 1, 23 patients as Grade 2, 24 patients as Grade 3, and 12 patients as Grade 4. Data of 10 patients with liver trauma and NOM failed were compared with those of the NOM group.


The development of complications increases in patients with high-grade injury or those accompanied by thorax trauma. The rate of complications is high in patients who receive NOM in Grade 4 injury.

Cite this Article As : Yildirim MA, Vatansev H, Senturk M, Kadiyoran C, İyisoy S. Our Experience of Nonoperative Management in Patients with Liver Injury Due to Multiple Blunt Trauma. Selcuk Med J 2021;37(1): 57-63
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Our Experience of Nonoperative Management in Patients with Liver Injury Due to Multiple Blunt Trauma
, Vol. 37 (1)
Received : 07.10.2019, Accepted : 07.10.2019, Published Online : 04.03.2021
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