Our Experinces In Single-Shot Spinal Block For Labour Analgesia


  • Year : 2010
  • Vol : 26
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 38-41
A single dose spinal analgesia (SDSA) has been defined as an alternative method for the cases which are late for epidural labour analgesia. This study was undertaken to present our experiences on SDSA for multiparous parturients who attended to the obstetrical ward during the advanced stages of labour and requested analgesia. The files of 48 multiparous parturients who applied for SDSA method for labor analgesia between 1 January and 30 July 2009 were retrospectively analyzed. SDSA was performed with 2.5mg levobupivacaine combined with 15µg fentanyl, and 1.2 ml normal saline, using a 27 G pencil point needle in the sitting position. Initiation time of analgesic effect, duration of the second stage of labour lasting after application of SDSA, the number of parturients who needed rescue analgesic and side effects were recorded. SDSA was successfully performed in all parturients. The mean initiation time of analgesic effect and the second stage of labour lasting after application of SDSA were 2.6±0.7/min and 62.2±20 / min, respectively. Six parturients (12.5%) needed rescue analgesic. No side effects were observed except pruritus which occurred in 15 (31%) parturients. The method of SDSA was sufficient in 87.5% of multiparous parturient who requested labour analgesia at the advanced stages of labour. Further studies that include alternative combination of easy and effective methods are needed to increase the success rate of this method.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Our Experinces In Single-Shot Spinal Block For Labour Analgesia
, Vol. 26 (2)
Received : 10.02.2010, Accepted : 10.02.2010, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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