Our Two Year Experience In The Interventional Pediatric Cardiology


  • Year : 2013
  • Vol : 29
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 16-19
Nowadays, interventional treatment is one of the indispensable methods of treatment for pediatric cardiology centers. The results of interventional treatment of our center were presented within two years. The results of 40 patients who underwent interventional procedure in our center between February 2011-November 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. Interventional therapy was applied to 40 patients. Fifty-five percent (n:22) of these patients were female, 45% (n:18) were male. Their age is from 10 days to 15 years, their weight is between 3.7 and 60 kg. Pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty was performed to nine patients with valvular pulmonary stenosis. Angioplasty was performed to 10 patients with the coarctation of aorta. Transcatheter ASD closure was performed to 12 patients with atrial septal defect. The five patients’ ductus with a wide range closed by transcatheter. Mitral balloon valvuloplasty was performed to 14-year-old patient with mitral stenosis. In our hospital,angiography was performed since June 2010 until November 2012, with total of 155 patients with angio process and interventional procedure was applied to 40 of these patients (25.8%). At first,diagnostic angiography is performed in our angiography unit. Subsequently, interventional procedures were performed such as balloon angioplasty to the coarctation of the aorta and pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty, respectively. Recently, processes that are complicated and requires experience such as transcatheter closure of ASD and PDA, and aortic stent implantation transactions began to be performed in our clinic. Considering the last 6 months, the rate of invasive procedures increased to 50% compared with diagnostic procedures.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Our Two Year Experience In The Interventional Pediatric Cardiology
, Vol. 29 (1)
Received : 12.11.2012, Accepted : 12.11.2012, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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