Parvovirus 819 infections


  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 257-261
The human parvovirus B19 has been identified as the causative agent in several diseases, including erythema infectiosum, aplastic crisis,hydrops fetalis and a polyarthralgia that occurs in adults. The major pathophysiologk effect of infection seems to be cessation seems to be cessation of erythropoiesis a result of cytolitic infection of red cell precursors. Except for the potential of neonatal death due to fetal hydrops, the prognosis of patients with par-vovirus infection is generally good. The diagnosis of B19 infection may be established on clinical ob-servations but often requires cofirmation with serum antibody testing. Treatment strategies may include supportive care, analgesic medications, transfusions with red blood cells or administration of intravenous inuniunglobulinidepending on the clinical cir-cumstances.
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Parvovirus 819 infections
, Vol. 12 (2)
Received : 14.10.1996, Accepted : 14.10.1996, Published Online : 14.10.2020
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