Placenta And Umbilical Cord Histopathologies In Pathologic Spesmen And Relationship Between Pregnanc


  • Year : 2019
  • Vol : 35
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 1-8

\n Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between pregnancy outcomes and histopathology examination of the intended placenta and umbilical cord specimens.


\n Patients and Methods: 112 placenta materials were scanned as retrospective in an archive of Usak University Education and Research Hospital of Pathology Department. Term placentas measurement were based on Kaufmann’s Pathology thus; 37-40 week, size 18 cm, weight 350-750 gr, thickness 2-2,5 cm. Umbilical cord's vessel number, membrane structure, chorioangioma, infarct, hematoma, hemorrhage were recorded. Infarct, chorioamnionitis, subchorionic fibrin deposit, congestion of chorionic vessel, subchorionic hemorrhage, corangiosis, chorioangioma, calcification, perivillous fibrin deposit, an effect of meconium, fibrinoid necrosis, villitis, ectasia of a chorionic vessel were detected as histopathologic findings. Gender, mode of delivery, maternal disease, birth weight, maternal age, parity, birth length, head circumference, APGAR between 0-9 were recorded.


\n Results: 112 placentas; 4 of 29 (13,7%) placental infarct, 2 of 19 (10,5 %) placental corangiosis, one of 17 (5,8%) subchorionic haemorrhage, 2 of 29 (6,8%) chorioamnionitis, one of 12 (8,3%) umbilical cord congesione cases were detected with abnormal pregnancy outcomes. Statistically significant results were found between subchorionic haemorrhage and placenta size (P = 0, 004), maternal age and umbilical cord dimension (P = 0, 0001), birth weight and placenta and umbilical cord dimensions (p = 0.000). However, no association was found between these parameters and pregnancy outcomes. Relationship between baby weight and placenta and umbilical cord size was determined in diabetic, preterm, ablatio placenta, and stillbirths and pregnancies. No significant association was found between histopathologic findings and pregnancy outcomes.


\n Conclusion: When placenta and umbilical cord specimens are evaluated, the location and size of the lesion should be indicated along with the presence of the lesion in order to explain regular clinical follow-up and adequate anamnesis as well as the effect on the pregnancy outcome.

Cite this Article As : Kucuk S, Senyuva I. Placenta and Umbilical Cord Histopathologies in Pathologic Specimens and Relationship Between Pregnancy Outcomes. Selcuk Med J 2019;35(1): 1-8
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Placenta And Umbilical Cord Histopathologies In Pathologic Spesmen And Relationship Between Pregnanc
, Vol. 35 (1)
Received : 25.05.2018, Accepted : 25.05.2018, Published Online : 04.03.2019
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