Pleural tuberculosis and adenosine deaminase

Mustafa Kürşat Özvaran, Hacer Okur, Mithat Özgel

  • Year : 2004
  • Vol : 20
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 123-127
In pürine pathway, adenosine deaminase is a cytoplasmic enzyme which changes adenosine into inosine and ammoniumi deoxyadenosine into deoxyinosine and ammonium catalyzed irreversibly. Activation of ADA in human fluids is by two enzymes: ADA1 and ADA2. Increased ADA levels in tuberculosis pleural effusion have %81-100 sensivity and %83-100 specivity. ADA in tuberculosis effusions originated from macrophages and monosit is mainly ADA2. ADA level also can be increased in ampiyem, lenfoproliteratif disorders and parapnömonic pleural effusions which have ıymphocyte cell mostly.
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Pleural tuberculosis and adenosine deaminase
, Vol. 20 (3)
Received : 13.10.2004, Accepted : 13.10.2004, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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