Pressure Ulcers Incidence And Risk Factors In Intensive Care Unit Of Norology


  • Year : 2010
  • Vol : 26
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 95-98
Pressure ulcers, a major problem worldwide, cause morbidity and lead to mortality. We aimed to conduct a prospective study which includes incidence of pressure ulcer and risk factors for pressure ulcers in intensive care unit of neurology. Forty-six patients were evaluated according to National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel during the ICU period strictly. Age, hospitalization period, mean arterial pressure, pressure ulcer degree, hemoglobin and albumin levels, and comorbidities were evaluated. The incidence of pressure ulcer in neurologic intensive care unit was 15%, and hypoalbuminemia, low muscular strength, and prolonged stay in intensive care unit are significantly high in pressure ulcer group than the control group. Primer prevention of pressure ulcers is one of the major issues in intensive care unit, especially to prevent protein malnutrition.
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Pressure Ulcers Incidence And Risk Factors In Intensive Care Unit Of Norology
, Vol. 26 (3)
Received : 12.01.2010, Accepted : 12.01.2010, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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