Pulmonary Involvement In Brucellosis


  • Year : 2010
  • Vol : 26
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 57-59
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by bacteria of the Brucella subspecies from the gram-negative bacteria family. Brucellosis continues to be a public health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. The bacteria can involve the reticuloendothelial system foremost, and many systems such as joints, the heart and the kidneys. Despite the respiratory system involvement being known, lung involvement is rare. Non-specific findings and complications in the patients with lung involvement makes the diagnosis difficult. In this case report, a 6-year-old male patient, presenting with the complaints of fever, cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, exhaustion, anorexia and knee ache, was hospitalized with the diagnosis of pneumonia and pleural effusion. On the performed examinations, hepatosplenomegaly and bicytopenia were detected. The Rose-Bengal test was (+++) and the Wright agglutination test was 1/1280 (+) in the blood and pleural effusion fluids of the case. The case was considered to be a pneumonia and pleural effusion due to brucella. The case has been presented since it is rarely seen, and in order to emphasize that in countries such as ours, in which brucella is endemic, complications due to brucella show a wide spectrum.
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Pulmonary Involvement In Brucellosis
, Vol. 26 (2)
Received : 13.01.2010, Accepted : 13.01.2010, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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