Reconstuction of both hands using pollicisation, tendon grafts and radial forearm flap in one stage.


  • Year : 2001
  • Vol : 17
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 203-206
A fifty two year old woman sustaining bilateral hand injurles after a traffic accident was admitted to our clinic. She had right thumb amputation from the carpometacarpal level, tendon and skin loss in the right hand secönd finger, loss of the 2-3 extensor tendons and the overlying dorsal skin in the left hand. Reconstruction in a single session was planned and palmaris longus tendons from both hands were taken and used as intercalary grafts for extensor tendon losses after which the skin loss was covered with a radial forearm flap. Afterwards, the second injured finger in the right hand was taken and pollicisized using the Buck Gramcko technique. At the last follow-up examination 8 months after the injury, she was able to pick up small objects and grip large and heavy objects using her right hand. The range of motion of the wrist and the fingers of the left hand was completely restored. The importance of treatment design tailored individually for each patient was stressed in this case.
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Reconstuction of both hands using pollicisation, tendon grafts and radial forearm flap in one stage.
, Vol. 17 (3)
Received : 19.01.2001, Accepted : 19.01.2001, Published Online : 02.10.2020
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