Reevaluation of Candida Albicans Strains for the İdentification of Candida Dubliniensis

Zafer Çetinkaya, Semra Kurutepe, Beril Özbakkaloğlu, Kenan Dereli, Süheyla Sürücüoğlu

  • Year : 2005
  • Vol : 21
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 35-40
The aim of this study was to find out whether there is Candida dubliniensis strain in the clinical preperations from Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Clinical Mycology Laboratories identified as Candida albicans strains and to determine the reliability of the CHROMagar Candida medium for identification of the species. In our study the evaluation of 140 isolated strains of Candida albicans was performed retrospectively according to the growth profiles obtained by API 20C AUX, CHROMagar Candida methyl-blue Sabouraud dextrose agar, rice flour Tween-80 agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar at 42°C and 45°C. Two (1.4%) of 140 strains were identified as Candida dubliniensis while 138 (98.6%) were identified as Candida albicans. It is concluded that combined use of CHROMagar Candida and Sabouraud dextrose agar at 45 °C in the diferentiation of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis strains is convenient in the routine diagnosis based in its specificity cost-effectiveness and simplicity.
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Reevaluation of Candida Albicans Strains for the İdentification of Candida Dubliniensis
, Vol. 21 (2)
Received : 24.02.2005, Accepted : 24.02.2005, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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